New Trends! You see them all over the runways and in stores everywhere. Trending now: A huge influx of color. Suddenly women who were in a neutral rut are embracing color like never before.
Don't get me wrong, I love seeing this color revolution. I have embraced color over the years regardless of whether it was the "in" thing to do or not. But why does something have to become a trend before we take it on? Who says we have to wait around for the "fashion gods" to dictate what we should wear and what we will look good in?
This is what separates the trendy from the fashionable. A fashionable women knows what colors, styles, cuts and fabrics do and don't look good on them. They wear what does looks good on them, finding ways to make it current regardless of whether it's trendy or not.
Perfect example: Popular right now are both bold colors, and on the flip side, sherbet hued pastels. But not everyone can wear both these trends. Women with strong coloring can typically wear the bold colors, but someone with fair features will be overpowered in those colors. So, the women with fairer features do well to choose the pastel trend over the bold one. This goes for any trend. Some will work for you and some just won't. So either make it work for you, or know when it just doesn't, and opt out of the trend altogether. Better yet, become what I consider fashionable and start your own trend!
How? By going out of your comfort zone. My challenge to you: Start wearing things you only look fabulous in, trendy or not. This is the secret of many European women. They strike a balance between their individuality, what works for their body type, and classic lines. And they never give in to wearing something just because it's the "in" thing to do. Do this yourself and you can't go wrong. You may even look like you paved the way for a new trend. And chances are, it will be a trend again soon enough!